The past couple of months have had their fair share of ups and downs for me, I feel as though I've genuinely been having a quarter life crisis. My anxiety has been rearing it's ugly head and it really has been plaguing me for the past 6 weeks or so. I've had serious toothache and had two wisdom teeth removed which was quite literally similar to a nightmare (only two more to go!). To top it all off I've been an emotional wreck which I can only put down to a combination of being homesick and hormonal, poor Robbie really has had his work cut out to say the least. Surprisingly it's not all been bad though, Robbie and I had a lovely long weekend in Brisbane and my best friend from the UK is currently in Sydney. We also went to see Ben Howard last weekend who was absolutely incredible, and we celebrated Robbie's 26th birthday, it's crazy, I can't believe I'm going to be 26 this year.
Road-trip image on 35mm from the summer.
I would say my anxiety has only really become noticeable to me in the past year or so, and at the moment it's at the worst it's ever been. I have been finding myself feeling so stressed about the tiniest of things and over-thinking every situation I find myself in. It's really exhausting and frustrating but I'm really trying to find ways to relax and overcome my anxiety.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
In the past I have looked after my teeth really well, going to the dentist twice a year and having braces for 2 years really forces you to look after your teeth. But the past 3/4 years I have barely been to the dentist and my wisdom tooth pain has been awful on and off for the past year. Last month I bit the bullet and had the first two removed, I chose to remain awake so I had them removed in the dentist chair and it was every bit as horrendous as it sounds. I am booking in to get the second two removed in July, after that it will just be a matter of general upkeep for my teeth hopefully. Teeth are one of the first thing's I notice about people so I think it's really important to look after them.
One of my new years resolutions was to get back into reading and I feel like I have definitely achieved this resolution in a big way. I have become pretty addicted to reading, mainly because I've being lucky enough to have found some books I can hardly bear to put down. I read a really eclectic collection of books, but I would love to hear your recommendations if you have any.
I have been working like an absolute crazy-lady, and I do really struggle with the concept of turning down work. I find myself continually pushing to take on more and work more and more hours, and I need to learn to know when to draw the line and take some time for myself. This is something I need to work on, and I plan to put more time aside to pursue creative projects over the next few months.
This is something I'm sure we can all relate to, once you hit your mid-twenties and you realise that you really do need to keep tabs on your spending, reign it in and focus on what's important to you. That's without even mentioning the dreaded student loan situation. For me the most important thing in life is shared experiences with my loved ones, I love to travel, and need to travel in order to catch up with my friends and family in the UK. Also, anyone who's planning a wedding will know they are pretty expensive, even when you're attempting to cut costs! I love having the wedding and travel plans to look forward to, but in order to do this I need to save as much as I can.
I am absolutely craving a trip to somewhere I haven't been before, exploring the unknown, road-trips, sleeping under the stars and taking copious amounts of photos. My absolute dream for years has been to do some kind of American road trip in a camper van, having a ride on a Harley and visiting Flea Markets, taking in all of the American sights (and eating all the burgers). I definitely want to start planning our American road trip soon, if anyone has travelled to America at all and has any recommendations please let me know, as both Robbie and I have never been to American before.
Getting my style back
I feel like over the last few years, what with moving countries and having to downsize my wardrobe extensively, I have in a way lot my sense of style and things have become a little bit boring. I really like having my wardrobe staples and keeping things simple but I feel like my wardrobe definitely needs to be refreshed and I need to invest in some core basics.
As I said before, I am a creative through and through, and although my work these days doesn't always reflect that I really need to assign more time to creative pursuits to keep myself sane. I have bought some more 35mm film so I can continue shooting in film, as my supplies were running low, and I really need to continue to practise my calligraphy. I would like to practise my digital skills too, including improving on my photoshop skills and investing in some new equipment.
Spring Cleaning
I am working 7 days a week at the moment and will be throughout June, and of course it would be now that I'm having all kinds of urges to have a huge spring clean in every area of my home/life. I feel like I need to have a complete sort out of my kitchen cupboards, wardrobe, desk area, pretty much everywhere and just get organised. I am a big fan of spring cleaning, I am the anti-hoarder but I feel as though things have gotten a bit out of hand (probably because I'm working so hard) and I need to take the time to get everything back in order.
Last month I was feeling quite homesick for quite a lot of the time, I've definitely learnt to find ways to deal with missing my family but it will be something I will have to contend with for the foreseeable future. You always have to weigh up the pros and cons with any situation, and for me the pros of living here in Sydney outweigh the cons for the moment, and I really enjoy my lifestyle here and the experience of living on the otherside of the world.
Wedding Planning
I am completely into every aspect of wedding planning at the moment, and although I feel as though I haven't planned a lot so far, it is all so exciting. I love browsing through Pinterest and Etsy for inspiration as well as magazines, blogs and websites and building up an image of my dream wedding day spent with family and friends. I will update you guys in upcoming blog posts of where I'm at with the plans, but over the next few months I plan to send out our save the dates and get invite designs underway. In a way I never want the wedding to come around because having something so big to look forward to is really exciting.
hope your anxiety gets better, mine has been really bad lately as well - meditation or mindfulness apps usually help me. i'm visiting brisbane whilst i'm travelling in october, your photos have got me so excited to get out there now!xx